I love making these Fused Glass Chains - they are like magic.
I was talking with colleagues and one suggested that I make a video of the making process to share with people who were interested - so this is the first attempt.
The picture on the left shows what we are trying to achieve - it's links of fused glass, each of a different colour. They are interlocked with the links before and after them, and can move freely.
You can find the video showing the cutting process and how we lay the glass out ready for firing here on YouTube.
This version of the video is a draft - please feel free to leave feedback.
Once you've watched the video, take a look below to see the actual results.
Well, things didn't go quite to plan - two of the links stuck together during the fuse, and I had to use my drill to grind them apart. The pictures below show the problem and the finished piece.